Sunday, December 9, 2012

England and back!

Since my last posting I have made a quick two week trip to the UK. A family visit to spend time with parents etc. Our last visit in the spring of the year, saw pretty good weather but this trip was a bit wintery! England is suffering a bad year. A very wet summer and now some of the worst flooding in many years. One Town in Wales saw the river flood over 4 feet in 30 minutes!! A sad time for those who lost furniture and possesions. Luckily my family all live on the tops of hills so although the ground was still sodden with water they were not suffering from flooding. I did manage lots of walks in the local area.
Back home now and supposed to be getting ready for the Christmas Holiday! I have to admit that Christmas has become far too commercialized for my way of thinking and it was a pleasant surprise that although Xmas shopping was getting up to speed in the UK it was not as 'in your face' as here in Canada. Have got the decorations down from the attic and made the first batch of mince pies. The Xmas cake was made last year and I still have a pudding from then too! Yes they last for years if wrapped and kept cool. In fact they are more mature that way. The snow line is getting lower. We did have a slight covering a few days ago but it has now gone back up a few hundred feet.
Not sure if the Sea Lions are ready for the upcoming they even know about it? They were quite content to be on their rock.
A trip to the local beach is great for the dog to stretch her legs and for Robin to try his skills at making money!! Haven't made our fortune yet....but watch this space!! Till next time...

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