Saturday, June 2, 2012

Spring flowers and Humming birds

I suppose late spring and early summer merge into one round here. Not a particularly spring like spring but the flowers seemed to do Ok. The garden is all in tubs and containers. We manage to grow a few flowers and veggies in the greenhouse. The soil is quite poor and has to be supplemented with lots of manure, fertilzers and peat moss. The peat moss gives it some breathing space. My prize plant is an apple tree which produces quite well, especially when it is talked to, which I do most days!!! A few seasons ago I planted some tulips. They seem to survive throughout the winter even when it gets well below zero.
The scenery around here is various shades of green. It is quite amazing how many shades there are at different times of day and the location of the sun. A garden, even a small one, gives a little splash of colour. One problem is the wind, so during the winter many of the containers are moved to a more sheltered spot. During the summer months they are in full sun! That means watering is a priority first thing in the morning to prevent dehydration.
The greenhouse is a good place to get some lettuce growing. Also I like to have a few tomato plants and this year there are three purple brocoli plants. The hanging baskets are planted and awaiting the warmer weather before being hung outside.
Another sign of early summer is the humming birds. They appear as early as april and seem at the moment to be very active.....that might have something to do with the high test sugar water they drink all day long. They are amazing in flight and are the only bird that can fly backwards!
The weather is getting warmer. The bay is alive with people working on the various lodges in preparation for the upcoming season and the wildlife are stirring looking for food. Here's to a good summer.

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