Sunday, September 25, 2011

Part 12. Spiritual Friends.

Every september we have a visit from a vessel called 'Coastal Messenger'. As you can probably guessed from the name, this vessel is our 'mission boat'.
They ply the coast visiting remote communities, First nations villages, light houses and homesteads.

The whole program started many years ago around the 1930's. In those days it was run by the Shantymans Christian Association. They visited logging camps, homesteads and commuities delivering spiritual guidance, advice and comfort to all.
By the 1970's there were any new faces also bringing many new ideas.  One of those ideas was a 'camp' near Bamfield on Vancouver Island. This camp, 'Pachema Lodge' was a place of reflection, learning and work for anyone interested in finding their spiritual being, or needing time to be away from the  general day to day hubbub.
It was in 1979 that the present Coastal missions, who run Coastal messenger, was conceived.

A property in Chemainus was purchased to use as a base and a former fisheries vessel was also purchased, renamed Coastal Messenger, and set sail in 1980.
There were 8 full time people and so were divided into two crews.
The area covered was from South Tacoma, Washington State all the way up the BC Coast into  South East Alaska and across to Queen Charlotte Islands.

In 1994 a new steel hull arrived and the new Coastal Messenger was launched in sept 1998.
This is the vessel that visits Sunshine Bay every Sept.

The crews are aboard for 6 week stints. We are visited by Tom, Debbie, Brian and Ann.
They really are the most wonderful people you could possibly wish to meet. Interesting, funny, knowledgeable and understanding. They know EVERYONE on the coast...or so it seems and remember everyone too. They pass news from place to place, person to person and we send many hours drinking tea and catching up on the happenings up and down.

You will have realised by now that I have not actually mentioned much about the spiritual reasons for their visits. This is because although that is the main reason for their being, they do not push this at all. They would rather visit just for the freindship than to push ideals which might not be of interest to everyone.
They do not ask for donations but in fact the whole 'business' runs on donations.
If you need advice or just want to talk they are more than ready and are great listeners, always taking a neutral position, but offering help and advice.
On top of all this the kettle is always on and we have had the best meals on board!

On one visit when my parents were also visiting it happened to be a sunday. We spent a very happy few hours singing hymns, drinking tea and talking.  Yes there is an electric piano on board!

From their base they conduct bible study, services, funerals, marriages etc. The other crew work from the base whilst the boat is plying the coastal waters.
The new venture for the future is taking over Port Nevile. This is a remotly situated community where the plan is to have a lodge/camp type operation. People can go for bible study, workshops and teachings whilst learning boat handling,safety, and other life skills.

We are very lucky to have these people as friends and supporters. They bring smiles,joy and support to us.
If you would like to know a little more about this great and unique service you can look them up at

Summer Vacation!

This is just a short message to say sorry I did not keep up the blog during the summer.

No, I was not on vacation but working, and just didn't seem to find the time.
I will be putting that to rights in the next day or two so normal programming should resume!

Summer is quite busy for us here. Both Robin and I both work for Dept of Fisheries. Robin is away monitoring the commercial salmon fishing fleet and I am based from home visiting the sport fishing lodges. My purpose is to gather data regarding halibut catch, check log book entries and collect hatchery fish heads.
I will explain all this more in detail in a later entry.
In the meantime we are at the end of the summer silly season and making fast progress...if you look at the weather...towards the winter caretaking job.

Till next time....