Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Part 6 Weather update.

At the moment we are experiencing some quite unusual weather for the coast. Yes we do get some snow during the winter. Enough to make life interesting for  a few days but nothing to exciting......Well we now have 18 inches of snow and more in the forecast!!

It all start around mid Feb when we had a fall of about 5 inches. Most of that started to disapear until this last week. It got very cold and there was a wicked wind that brought the wind chill temperature down to around -15 or so.

Saturday it started again and sunday it snowed all day. By monday morning we had another 10 inches so the snow shovel was deployed!

Now snow is very beautiful but a bit of a problem on the floats.
Any floats that are already low floating seem to go down even more.
Snow is very heavy. There must be some sort of scientific explanation for the weight such as......
Size of flake x falling velocity x atmospheric pressure  =  a heck of a lot of white stuff!

One not very happy boat!!

This picture gives you some sort of idea of the amount of snow, and consequently weight, on the roof of the house!

The forecast for the rest of the week is snow in varying amounts all week.
Tonight we have a hurricane wind warning and the sea state between here and Port Hardy is to get to around 11 metres!!

Just a short post this time.....if there are no more it is because we have either sunk, blown away or left for Hawaii!!


  1. Hi - heard Mark Forsyth talk about your blog so followed the link and read from the beginning. Have bookmarked it so I will be back because I enjoyed it very much. I lived in Ucluelet several years ago and thought the 1hour 20 minute drive to Port Alberni a long way to shop - 8 hrs - hmmmm.

  2. Hey Sarah, had to smile after reading your blog since I just posted mine and as you can see it's all about the snow! People will think that the weather is all we talk about. So not true! We also talk about food. Such is the life of a caretaker.

  3. Good luck with the shovelling! I can't say snow is my all-time favourite stuff! Hope it all ends with a lovely spring & summer.
    Sue Charnley x

  4. Hi Sarah, Just dropped in to say hello. I am keith at Shotbolt Bay. I like your site and got the link from Heathers new site.
