Saturday, January 15, 2011

Part 2 Whether the weather......

Well it snowed ago. About 4 inches, which is not much in the scheme of things, but enough to make life a degree harder. We have had pretty cold temperatures so there was, and still is, a layer of ice on the floats already. This snow is light and perfect snowman/snowball snow.

The problem with snow!..... The heavy stuff causes concern with the weight on the floats. All our property is built on wood floats so any extra weight means they sink a little further into the ocean!  They usually pop back up after the melt, but never quite as far! We don't, however, have a problem with the commute! Work is right here at home.
The boats seem to do fine in the cold weather. Just a little reluctant to start and a cold seat awaits anyone who wishes to go boating.
The bay does ice over so we try to break it up and push the slabs out to be taken away with the tide. It does not get too thick but enough to pose problems. The smaller boats can break through but it doesn't do much for the bottom paint! The ice is caused by the amount of fresh water sitting on the top of the sea water.
We don't get too much snow but we always hope for the light fluffy kind.
In the cold weather the worry is keeping the water running. Our water supply is from a small creek where the water is diverted through a 2 inch pipe. For those of you who worry about water quality, we have a homemade filter on the intake and another under the house before it goes into the holding tank in the roof . The water has a weak tea hue but is very soft and I am told gives a very good shave!

If it looks like we are in for a long, cold spell then we leave a tap running on the outside. That seems to do the trick keeping the flow running from the creek.
 I do however, have problems with my washing machine. It is in a building where there is no heat so we do all laundry using cold water. The pipes going to it tend to freeze so after use we put antifreeze in and spin it through the motor. Yes we do live in the bush and have to improvise!
We do not have a dyer so we use the natural elements such as solar and wind. Freeze dried jeans are always fun!!

The weather normally is wet, windy and chilly in the winter but we do have good summers and often amazing springs. If nothing else the snow is very picturesque and is only here for a short time.

1 comment:

  1. More fascinating reading. thanks Sarah. Is it really that long ago that you went there? eeeeek!!
