Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring has sprung!!

Well spring seems to be here although today is a little showery and yesterday was downright horrible. Wind, rain, sleet, snow and quite cold so the poor plants were wondering why they had been put out or indeed if they should show themselves at all! As I said in the last post we have had a very mild and uneventful winter. Not much for storms but the usual rainfall.....well we do live in a rainforest! It may be a bit early but these violas and pansys seem to do OK as long as the wind is not too cold! 20/ As you can see the rhubarb is thriving, the Forsythia is very happy, the apple tree is just showing its pink tips of flowers and the lupins are already out of the tub! The first humming bird is at the feeder and blue skies abound! Don't know how long it will last but it gives a warm, spring like feeling all around. Lots of projects in the pipeline for the coming months so will try to 'blog' about them soon. Till next time...