Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Well here we are again. The summer jobs are over and we are now back to the fall/winter mode. The weather is following suite. We had a wonderful, hot and sunny summer and now turning cold and wet. There is fresh snow on the hills not far away and the temperatures are dipping towards 0!! The fishing lodges that we caretake for the winter are safely tied in place and things are generaly quiet in the neighbourhood. We go from a few hundred people to about 10 permanent resident all in about a week! There are a few logging camps in the area but their numbers come and go and we don't class them as being 'Inlet people'. THe wildlife has also changed. The bears that were frequently seen have gone to find fish in the creeks. The ducks are collecting in the quiet bays to wait out the worst of the weather and there are flights of snow geese heading south. The garden is put to bed with a good mulch of seaweed to keep it warm.
These are goose neck barnacles. We don't find them right round here but these were attached to a bouy that was found nearby.
We had a visit from one of the freight boats to deliver timber for a lodge. THis boat is a pusher tug and barge. When they need to manouver they attach the tug to the back of the barge and push it around. The rest of the time it is towed in the usual fashion.
Of course beach trips can be very exhausting!! I was a constant duel as to who got to the lounger first!!
At the end of the summer we made a trip to town. It was our usual grocery buying and visiting trip. Shelves of groceries make boring pictures but this is more interesting. This is Brentwood Bay on Vancouver Island. We were taking a small ferry across to Mill Bay. It was really just a shortcut but oh so scenic! The weather has been wonderful and even for British Columbia was pretty special. Record temperatures, no wind, calm seas and never ending sunshine! now that is what I call a summer. The trip home across Queen Charlotte sound, which can be pretty dangerous was calm and sunny. Hard to belive that if you continued past this boat you would eventually hit Japan. This is the Washington State Ferry 'Columbia'. It does a scheduled run from Seattle to Alaska each week.
So that was our summer. Hope to report something interesting next time.