Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Part 19. So what do you do all day?

Ever get asked this question and wonder! We are asked all the time.I am not sure what people think we do all day, sit around staring at the scenery perhaps, or just watching the ducks swimming across the bay!
Well apart from the fire wood chopping, boat maintanance, general house chores, baking,cooking, house work...need i go on?
We do have our hobbies too.
We all read a huge amount. Personally I keep a record of every book I read and at the end of each year see just how much I have read. It works out to approx a book a week. These are everything from romance novels to biographies to poetry to non fiction. We also read a news magazine called Macleans and any other mags that come our way.
We don't have tv but lots of dvd/video movies. There is something like 350 movies on the shelf...but never anything to watch!!!

One of my hobbies is knitting. I am producing hats right now which I sell in a local craft shop and at Dawsons Landing. Easy, colourful and practical I produce them during the winter months to sell during the summer.
Not a huge money maker but a nice little side line.
Charlotte has also done some nice work in the form of cross stitch.

The Eagle is one of mine. It took some time to do as it is 22 count which is very small but the end result was good.
This mornings chore was baking so as the wood stove was actually quite hot it was time for bread making.

Loks like toast is on the menu for the morning!
Of course all our hobbies get put aside when the weather is bad and we are all needed to help with the general running of the property. This last week or so has been VERY cold. Minus 12, the water went off and the bay froze! In the scheme of things minus 12 is not that bad but being on the water means it feels much colder and it is the kind of chill that gets right in the bones. We were listening to an interview with a guy from the BC/Yukon border where it was minus 57!! Coldest spot in the province.

I love the way the ice drapes over the rocks as the tide goes down. Also makes for some pretty pics of ice on the windows.

Here's hoping for some warmer weather to report about next time.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Part 16. A whole New Year!

Well we are now in 2012 and looking forward to all it has to offer.
The holiday season is pretty quiet for us. Time spent with close family and the few neighbours in the inlet.

Our Christmas tree expedition is an event we all look forward to. The boat loaded with mince pies, mulled wine and a chain saw!!
For those worried about safety, the person using the chain saw is not allowed the wine until the tree is in the boat!!

This years weather was very disturbed but we picked one of the good days and were successful in getting a nice tree, albeit a little on the bushy side.
Decorated and lit, it looked well and meant that Christmas was really here.

As I mentioned in a previous posting the latest equipment purchased was a Band Saw Mill. Transported first in the back of the mini van and then on the boat it is now installed on its float and working very well.
It can cut logs of 16 feet long and approx 20 inch diameter. These are not big logs but we have a large amount of junky logs that are not saleable and we always need lumber for general maintenance such as decking etc so this was a good investment and so far has certainly earned its keep.

The logs for cutting are rolled up from the far side of the float and across, up the ramp and onto the bed. Here they are secured and lined up ready for cutting. To get the most out of the logs you turn the log after each cut.
One of the side effects from cutting lumber are the slabs that accumulate. These are put on one side then cut in to smaller pieces and can be used as fire wood. We have been warned by many people that they can ' get away from you' as there always seems to be more slabs and ends than useable lumber, so that is the part of the operation we will be watching.
We are still learning the best ways but each log is different and some lend themselves to planks, others to 2x4's etc.
A great and very easy piece of equipment to use.

Many planks later.............