Sunday, May 22, 2011

Part 10. So....What do you do anyway?

So...What do you do anyway?
We seem to get asked this question alot. It must be something to do with where we live and peoples lack of understanding about life in a remote spot.
We of course, have the usual daily chores, plus a few others, that we must do in order to continue living the way we do. Firewood is an everyday job. Our cooking, heating and hot water all rely on the wood stove!
General maintenance of the household has to be carried out but you must remember that we can't ring the local plumber or electrician. We are all pretty handy at finding and fixing problems. There is no one else to do it!

I must opologise for not updating the blog recently. This posting explains the reasons why.

One of our jobs takes place from sept to june, caretaking the floating fishing lodges that get towed into our bay. We also work for the Dept Of Fisheries during the summer and monitor the prawn fishery in the spring. Inbetween there are always jobs that turn up out of the blue!

Sunshine Bay. As you can see it is a small town during the winter but about 80% of it gets moved out for the summer.

I was asked to help cook at a local logging camp. My training is in cooking so have helped out at some of the fish camps too from time to time. It was to be a short term (a few days) job. That lasted 4 days then a day off, then one more day.
Home for a few days then off to Bella Coola where I was to do the training for the 2011 census. That took another 4 days. Home for one day then off to Vancouver Island for a visit with Charlotte, shopping, I haven't been out for 7 months, and to pick up some UK relatives in Vancouver.
This trip was 10 days in length and covered 1500 kms of driving plus 160km of plane rides. 
Back home and start the census collection. As I write I am waiting to hear about travelling to points north for about a week. There are alot of remots areas to cover for the census and have to be done by plane.

Cathedral Point. Burke Channel enroute to Bella Coola

Bella Coola Estuary.

Of course there are always things to do be it chores or hobbies, work or leisure activities. Living away from the main stream does not mean we sit around all day. Actually it would be nice to sit on the front deck and enjoy the sunshine...think i'll go and do that right now!

In the Bella Coola Valley.

Returning from Bella Coola via the mountain route!

Most of our work is centred around the winter season We do work most of the year at various jobs, long and short term and we always remember that a short term job is better than none at all. We are flexible and willing to do almost anything so find people come looking for us. It's really quite nice!

Till next time.